Fashion designer Masaba Gupta has been leaving no stone unturned in keeping us entertained on social media through the lockdown. And while her unabashed self is pretty cool, her recent designing stroke truly proves that she has the best business brains. The designer has dished out an initiative called Maskaba in the most stylish manner. While the pandemic has brought all operations at House of Masaba at a halt, the designer and actress is keeping her business ship afloat in these testing times quite creatively.
Doing her bit to help the country, Masaba, under her label has started the production of non-surgical masks for donation. Sharing details of the same on Instagram, Masaba also stated that while executing this idea all hygiene and safety standards are being kept in mind. These stylish masks are being made from fabric that was meant for garments, and are washable and reusable. A team of three workers who are staying at the same production facility are making these masks.
Masaba who always speaks her mind has time and again been very blunt about the fact that the outbreak of Corona Virus is going to do some immeasurable damage to businesses. But turning the tide in her favour is Masaba’s style which is truly admirable.
Also Read: Masaba Gupta’s self-quarantine is all about self-love and self-care
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