Last year in August, actor Dia Mirza announced on social media that she was going to separate from Sahil Sangha, her husband of five years whom she married in 2014. While this came as a shock to many, both Dia and Sahil maintained a dignified silence over this, not commenting further.
In a recent conversation with Bollywood Hungama, the actor broke silence over her separation and revealed how she coped with the difficult time. "I don't know whether it's a survival skill that I have learnt because of the life experiences that I have had. But I have my way of dealing with personal pain. I do it by following a very disciplined lifestyle. By eating healthy, sleeping the correct number of hours," she said.
Believer of a routine life, she also emphasised on the role that meditation and yoga play, adding that she also only indulged in doing the kind of work she enjoys doing.
"I have only now, in the last 12 years, aligned myself or done work that has resonated deeply. And I have always given myself the time to step back, introspect, understand my own feelings, own emotions, my own responses to life and people," Dia added, calling the separation a 'life altering experience'. However, she is also full of gratitude about how there was never a lack of dignity. "I think I am just fortunate that Sahil and I had such a graceful, simple, respectful understanding of what we are going through," she stated.
Dia and Sahil together set up Born Free Entertainment, a production banner. While it very much exists, the actor revealed she had started her own production house, and Sahil should continue with Born Free Entertainment.
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