Actors Ajay Devgn and Suniel Shetty recently lauded the work of Mumbai Police amid the COVID-19 lockdown. They responded to a video of Mumbai Police keeping the citizens of the state safe during this crisis. Ajay wrote, “#TakingOnCorona @MumbaiPolice.”
Mumbai Police had a very filmy response to it as they wrote, “Dear ‘Singham’, Just doing what ‘Khakee’ is supposed to do to ensure that things return to how they were - ‘Once upon a time in Mumbai’! #TakingOnCorona.”
Dear ‘Singham’,
Just doing what ‘Khakee’ is supposed to do to ensure that things return to how they were - ‘Once upon a time in Mumbai’! #TakingOnCorona— Mumbai Police (@MumbaiPolice) April 8, 2020
Dear Mumbai Police, you are known as one of the BEST in the world. Your contribution to the COVID-19 pandemic is unparalleled. Singham will wear his Khakee and stand beside you whenever you ask. Jai Hind, Jai Maharashtra ????@CPMumbaiPolice @MumbaiPolice
— Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) April 9, 2020
Apart from Ajay, Suniel Shetty also praised the cops’ work and wrote, “Heroes - we love.” To this, Mumbai Police made a reference to his film Dhadkan. “And every ‘Dhadkan’ of our beats for this city :)” they wrote.
And every ‘Dhadkan’ of our ❤️ beats for this city. :)
— Mumbai Police (@MumbaiPolice) April 8, 2020
Ajay Devgn recently donated Rs. 51 lakh to the Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE) to support daily wage workers during this global health crisis.
Apart from them, Alia Bhatt, Arjun Kapoor, Abhishek Bachchan, Richa Chadha also took to social media to praise the work Mumbai Police is doing amid this crisis.
Just taking the ‘ACP Jai Dixit’ route to ensure that the city gets back to normalcy soon - that too, with a ‘Dhoom’!
All Mumbaikars need to do is not make ‘Dus Bahaane’ about going out unnecessarily!
— Mumbai Police (@MumbaiPolice) April 9, 2020
This is a very sweet video! Thank you @MumbaiPolice for keeping us safe ! ????????❤️
— TheRichaChadha (@RichaChadha) April 9, 2020
We cannot thank the @MumbaiPolice enough in words! Still would like to appreciate the fact that they have been out there everyday, making sure everything goes smoothly and have always been there to protect us. A thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Stay safe. Jai Hind.
— arjunk26 (@arjunk26) April 9, 2020
Mumbaikars, we hope you all are 'Raazi' with this advise of Ms @aliaa08 to not venture out in any ‘Gully’ unnecessarily and take care of ‘Dear Zindagi’ for all!
— Mumbai Police (@MumbaiPolice) April 9, 2020
ALSO READ: SS Rajamouli on signing Ajay Devgn for RRR
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