Talented young Bollywood star, Bhumi Pednekar, will be seen in the conspiracy thriller Durgamati and she admits that the film was a physically challenging project. From the trailer, it is evident that Bhumi plays two characters in the film – Chanchal Chauhan and the spirit that apparently possesses her, Durgamati. Bhumi claims that playing the character Durgamati was physically daunting.
“Durgamati has really stretched me as an actor. Physically it was a tough film to pull off because of the genre and also my role in the film. For me, Durgamati was definitely my most physically challenging film ever and I loved every bit of it,” says Bhumi, who can be seen being flung around and suffering violent convulsions when Chanchal becomes Durgamati in the trailer.
Bhumi says doing the horror genre well was definitely in her bucket list as an artiste. “As an actor, I want to sink my teeth into all the genres and horror thriller was definitely on the top of my list. I wanted to see for myself if I can be good in horror and I think I have pleasantly surprised myself. The proof of the pudding is in getting the reviews from audiences and I’m looking forward to their response eagerly. All I can say that I have ticked off this genre from my bucket list of acting and I’m immensely proud of the film and what I have done in it,” says the actress, who has started headlining films now as her equity is soaring with back to back successes.
The versatile actress, who is now a producer’s favourite because she can deliver powerful performances and also pull people to theatres, lays down the reasons why horror, as a genre, is incredibly tough.
Bhumi says, “Honestly, this genre is very challenging for any actor because you have to build the character brick by brick and you will either win over audience or you will fail because you took it too far. The horror and spookiness in such films come from the acting and you have to create these elements with how you emote, how you physically communicate the horror to audience - so it’s not easy.”
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